Celia's Adventures
in research, zero waste living and discovering the world

Water Conservation - Kitchen

Hey hey!

As part of the Irish Climate Ambassador programme, we committed to carry out climate actions and communications throughout the year. I started with a new series on water conservation - the first chapter is on toilets. You can find it here! In this post I would like to give you some tips on how you can save water in the kitchen.

Washing dishes

At first quickly I rinse everything overly nasty with water and set them aside. I fill the sink with soapy water and start with the cleanest items, like glasses, and slowly moving to the greaser things. I usually let the soapy water just drip down in the drying rack. Just when it is necessary I rinse them with clean water.

Washing vegetables and fruits

I prefer to wash my vegetables in a bowl and use the water for watering my indoor plants.

Pasta or potato water

When I have a use for leftover water from cooking pasta or potatoes, I add them to soaps, or I cook a second round in them. If I can not utilize the water I use it to water my plants outside in the garden. Or sometimes I even use to flush the toilet.

Soaking water

I mostly buy legumes in the zero waste shops in dry form. So I need to soak them, before cooking. Many recipe suggest to discard the soaking water, but instead. I was my legumes first and then I cook it in the soaking water. Or you can again use this water to water your plants.

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